Here to Help
For questions, please give us a call or fill out the online form below. If you have specific questions related to your account, please use the secure messaging system in our online banking platform. A member service representative will be in touch with you shortly. We look forward to hearing from you!
To reach us by phone, please give us a call at (800) 834-0432.
Video Banking/Chat
Click the "Let's Talk" button in the bottom right hand corner of the page. Chat is a secure messaging system.
Lost or Stolen Card
Debit Card: (800) 472-3272
Credit Card Domestic: (855) 709-8128
Credit Card International: 727-299-2449
Loan Fax
New Loan Fax: (207) 517-2754
Loan Payoff/Verification Request Fax: (207) 245-1751
Online Form
Please do not use email/this form to send Atlantic Federal Credit Union Credit Union communications that contain confidential information, such as Social Security or Account Numbers. You may call us or send confidential information through the secure messaging system in Digital Banking by Atlantic or the U.S. Postal Service.
Talk to real people.
Get in touch with an Atlantic representative using one of our contact methods below.