Members, Not Customers 

You are important to us. As a nonprofit institution, we exist solely for your success. Instead of pocketing profits, we use them to secure better rates and other top-of-the line services. And as a member, you're not just another customer. You're a stakeholder in our institution with a say in everything we do. So, we would like to thank you for helping us get to where we are today. 


Our Mission

We are committed to improving our members' financial quality of life, while taking an active role within our communities. In short, we’re here to help you do better.

Community Involvement

We’re happy to help people and businesses succeed financially, but that’s not all we do. We also play an active role in the communities we serve. Because we believe money isn’t the end, but the means to live a rewarding life. And if we really want to help you do better, we have to do more. That’s why we donate our money and our time to numerous worthy causes.

A Member-Owned Financial Cooperative

Atlantic is a financial cooperative owned and operated by its members, distinguishing credit unions from other financial institutions. Members deposit money into savings. That money is lent to other members. After operating expenses and reserve requirements are met, loan income is returned to members in the form of dividends and comprehensive financial services.

The volunteers that serve on the Board of Directors are elected by the entire membership and are credit union members themselves. The Board establishes and reviews credit union policy. They serve without pay. Every member has one vote — regardless of how much he or she has on deposit.

Atlantic is a federally chartered credit union organized and operated under strict regulatory laws that are monitored and enforced by the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA), an agency of the U.S. Government.

Atlantic Leadership

The Atlantic Board of Directors, comprised of 7 volunteers, helps provide general direction for the credit union to meet the members' needs. Through monthly meetings, the board stays informed about what is happening in the credit union. 

The Atlantic Supervisory committee, appointed by the Board of Directors, is comprised of 5 volunteer members. The Supervisory committee works with the Board and Atlantic Senior Leadership to evaluate the safety and soundness of the Credit Union.

The Atlantic Senior Leadership Team is committed to improving members' financial quality of life and helping them do better.

The Atlantic By-Laws can be found here.

Atlantic's 83rd Annual Meeting details here.


Discover the Credit Union Difference

SURF the Largest Surcharge-Free ATM Network in Maine

Get cash at more than 230 SURF ATMs across the state — without paying a cent in surcharge fees. Find a free ATM near you.

Shared Branching: Access Your Money All Across the Country

CO-OP provides credit unions and their members the latest financial services technology to strengthen the credit union network nationwide. It started in California in 1981 and today offers 3,500 credit unions with more than 5,000 branches. Find a shared branch near you.

Join Us Today

If you're not already an Atlantic member, and you're eligible for membership, we'd like to invite you to be a part of the member-focused Atlantic Mission!

It’s not what we offer, but who we are. 

From checking accounts to loans, we’re here every step of the way.

Got a question? 

We've got answers! Whether you're already a member or getting ready to join, reach out to us by phone, online form, in person, or use our Chatbox for assistance.

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